What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is using your time, talent and treasure to further the Kingdom of God.
Interested in starting a Legacy Society donation?
Need information about wills and bequests?
Contact us at 727-447-3494 or email chernandez@stceceliachurch.org.
Click the “Online Giving” graphic at the right to access our Online Giving, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! For help or questions about Online Giving, contact the parish office at 727-447-3494 or email chernandez@stceceliachurch.org. Thank You for Your Support of St. Cecelia Parish!
Finance Council
We invite parishioners to contact to consider serving on our Finance Council, to discuss parish projects, goals and plans for the future of our church. Members are asked to be active members of the church. Prior and current staff members and their spouses are not eligible to serve as members of the Parish Pastoral Council. For more information and to join, contact the parish office at 727-447-3494 or email chernandez@stceceliachurch.org.