Are You an Adult Wishing to Work With Youth or Vulnerable Adults?
We are excited that you would like to volunteer to serve here at St. Cecelia Church. Be sure to talk to our Director of Faith Formation if you would like serve our little ones, serve our Middle School or High School students, or if you would like to work with our Hispanic Ministry.

Contact our Pastoral Ministry Office to be able to serve. The safety and protection of our youth and vulnerable adults is one of our primary concerns.
Anyone entrusted with the care, responsibility, and or supervision of children, youth, or vulnerable adults or who wants unsupervised access to these vulnerable populations MUST successfully complete a Level 2 FBI/Florida Department of Law Enforcement background check performed by the Diocese of St. Petersburg based on electronic fingerprinting.
In addition, one must successfully complete a three-hour Safe Environment Program (SEP) training course tailored to adults who want unsupervised access to children and youth or adults who want unsupervised access to vulnerable adults (this training is also known as Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound/Pastoral Care Providers SEP training).
These two types of training teaches adults to watch for signs of abuse in a child or vulnerable adult, to watch for predatory behavior in an adult, and to report actual or suspected child abuse or vulnerable adult abuse to law enforcement at 911 or the Department of Children and Family’s Abuse Registry Hotline at 1-800-962-2873.
Please refer the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s website for more information.