See Fr. Bob’s Easter Message on Youtube!

Your Contributions Allow us to RETAIN our Talented Staff

it is our Diocesan mission to proclaim the Gospel, to invite those in our midst to share in Christ’s love, and to encounter Our Lord in this shared journey with one another. We live this mission, supporting each other’s needs, through the challenges that we face together. Your generosity supports the parish and funds its ongoing ministries, its growth and its repair. As we approach our centennial, we look to needs of the community, which have been outlined by our recent Synod, and our Christian calling, best expressed by the parable of the great feast

We band together in times of joy, and in times of strife, to minister to the needy and to show compassion to the stranger in our midst. However, in recent days, we too feel the pressure of inflation, of rising gas prices, and costly supplies. Saint Cecelia Catholic Church is supported by the stewardship of its parishioners, and is only able to offer this outreach thanks to your generosity. You are that guiding light that calls His people home, to share in the great feast.

We are appealing to parishioners to help us reach our realistic goal, of $330,000. This will permit us to avoid cuts to our most needed ministries. Your contribution of an additional $45 per month, or more, which is just $10 extra per week, will help us in closing the gap between our annual budgeted income and our operating expenses. We will not ask families to make a contribution that is not within their means, but please know that your support would greatly assist us to defray the burden that inflation has placed upon us.

Parishioners can choose to support us by using the provided Guiding Light Campaign envelopes or with contribution through our convenient Online Giving Service. Click the button just below to access this service….

Campaign Update! As of March 5th…