Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion serve the parish in two ways: they can help the priest at Mass by giving Communion, or they can take Communion to sick or homebound parishioners.
Lectors and Ushers
To learn more about these important positions, please call Michelle Browett: 585-4919 (Lectors) or Pat Hansen: 584-1518 (Ushers) We appreciate your interest and welcome your participation!

Any boy or girl in third grade or higher who has received First Holy Communion can be trained to help serve our Lord as an Altar Server. Call Laura Askins at (727) 447-3494 to sign up!
Sacristans are parishioners who do all the behind the scenes preparation for Mass, then clean up and set up for the next Mass. Families are invited to train together for this rewarding ministry.