The Sacrament of Baptism celebrates the entrance of a new life into our Christian Community. The parents and the rest of the family together say: “We accept you and we accept responsibility for you. We will be with you on your journey through life. We believe that by becoming a member of our Christian Community, you will truly have a new life, because we promise to love you and to care for you just as Jesus does. You are one of us, a member of our family as truly as Jesus is.
Please contact Yolanda Moreno for more information about how to receive Baptism at 727-449-2839 or email espanol@stceceliachurch.org for both English and Spanish.
Baptism Class for Parents
Along with the joys of parenthood, there are many responsibilities. Parents of English Baptisms are required to attend a baptism class held online. The requirements to attend are especially for those expecting their first baby.
Spanish classes are held at St. Cecelia on the second Friday of each month at 6:45pm with pre-registration.
The Rite of Baptism
Baptisms take place at 10:00am on the 1st Saturday* of every month (except during Lent). Parents also have the option of having the baptism during the 11:30am Mass on the 4th Saturday of the month.
Spanish Baptisms are held the last Saturday of each month at 10:00am in Spanish
El Sacramento del Bautismo sera unicamente el ultimo Sabado cada mes. Haga los arreglos con tres Meses de anticpacion, para la preparacion.
*Some dates and times may need to be changed due to holidays, Holy days and/or other special events.
Baptism Class for Parents
Along with the joys of parenthood, there are many responsibilities. You are required to attend a baptism class held online. The requirements to attend are especially for those expecting their first baby.
The Rite of Baptism
Baptisms take place at 10:00 a.m. on the first Saturday* of every month (except during Lent). Parents may also have the option of having the baptism during the 11:30 am Mass on the 4th Sunday of the month.
Sacramento del Bautismo
El Sacramento del Bautismo sera únicamente el último Sábado de cada mes. Haga los arreglos con tres Meses de anticipación, para la preparación.

for more information about
how to receive Baptism at
(727) 449-2839 or