Contact Kim Paczynski, Director of Faith Formation, for information at 727-447-3494 Ext. 124, or email kimp@stceceliachurch.org.
Registration begins in July/August each year.
Classes are held during the regular school year and Confirmation is typically in the Spring.
Dates vary from year to year. Parents and students will be provided with a full schedule of classes and the Confirmation date at time of registration.
Special Dates:
Retreats (Choose one): Available at different times throughout the Fall and Winter.
Dates vary from year to year. Parents and students will be provided with a full schedule of classes and the Confirmation date at time of registration.
See your schedule or contact Kim Paczynski for information.
Confirmation Rehearsal:
6:00-8:00 pm on a Thursday or Friday evening. Date will be provided upon registration.
Confirmandi and Sponsors only attend.
Confirmation: General Info
See your schedule or contact Kim Paczynski for information.
Confirmation preparation provides everything you need to prepare your students both intellectually and spiritually to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and to become lifelong disciples of Christ. All too often we see teens drift away from the Church after Confirmation. We seek to reverse this trend by winning over the hearts of teens at a critical time in their lives and keeping them firmly planted within the faith community of the Church.
Our carefully designed methodology features highly effective and engaging material conveyed through videos, student workbooks, and classroom experience. Guides for leaders, parents, and sponsors––as well as additional online resources––help families along their faith journey.
Our youth are confirmed in 8th grade or older. All youth need to have one year of Youth Ministry or Catholic School before their Confirmation year. During their Confirmation year, they either need to attend all Middle School sessions (if in 8th Grade), all High School Sessions (if in High School), or be currently enrolled in a Catholic School. If your student is in a Catholic school, we would love to have them attend our youth/confirmation classes, so they can get to know the other students in the program. A $120 (for 8th graders) $150 (for High Schoolers) fee helps cover the costs including classes , T-shirt, and weekend retreat with transportation. Financial assistance is always available.
St. Cecelia welcomes all youth (of age) to participate. Parental involvement is an essential element in the preparation journey. Regular attendance at Mass is expected and necessary to fully prepare children for these sacraments.
All classes are mandatory for parents and children to attend together.
For information and to register, contact Kim Pacyznski at 727-447-3494 Ext. 124, or email kimp@stceceliachurch.org.