The Funeral Mass

The Funeral Mass especially expresses our faith in Jesus’ victory over death, and our personal share in that resurrection. It does so through prayers and blessings, through songs and readings, through ceremonies and symbols. Having funeral rites in the presence of the body of the deceased is still the expressed ideal of the Church; however, bringing the cremated remains to the Mass is also acceptable. A table is available near the Sanctuary for an urn, and a photo and/or flowers if you wish. The family of the deceased person may choose scripture readings and music for the Mass. Several local Funeral Home representatives are available to help you through the necessary planning and preparation. Many of them have placed an advertisement on the back of St. Cecelia’s weekly parish bulletin. For more information, please pick up a bulletin at the entrances of the church.

Service Opportunities

Consider becoming a part of our Funeral Ministry.

We are always looking for:

  • Altar Servers
  • Lectors

Sample of Funeral Readings:

Sample of funeral readings:

Old Testament, first reading

Revelation 21: 1-7 (during the Easter season)
Isaiah 25: 6-9
Daniel 12: 1-3
Wisdom 4: 7-14
Maccabees 12: 43-46

New Testament, 2nd Reading (Epistle)

1Corinthians 13: 1-13
Romans 5: 5-11
Romans 5: 17-21
1Corinthians 15: 20-28
John 3: 14-16

Sample of Funeral Music

Funeral Music Suggestions       

The sacred and communal nature of our Catholic Funeral Celebration requires careful planning of the selection of music, to ensure that all those gathered may actively participate in the celebration. Because of the sacredness of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, secular instrumental or vocal music, or the use of recorded music of any kind may not be used.

Any song from our Hymnals may be used at St. Cecelia Catholic Church. The Director of Music will choose the music if you do not have preferences. Below is a short list of suggested hymns, and some solos that are not in our Hymnals. If your song choice is not on this list or in our Hymnal, please contact the Director of Music for approval. (We do not use music with any Alleluias during Lent.)

Select 1 Responsorial Psalm: Sung between the 2 readings, always pick one.

Psalms may also be chosen to be sung during other parts of the Mass.

Psalm 23 The Lord is My Shepherd (Krieg)

Psalm 23 I Shall Live in the House of the Lord (Krieg)

Salmo 22 (23) El Señor Es Mi Pastor (Reza- Spanish or Bilingual)

Psalm 24 Lord, This is the People (Smith)

Psalm 25 To You, O Lord (Soper)

Psalm 27 The Goodness of the Lord (Soper)

Psalm 84 How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place

Salmo 88 Cantare Eternamente/ Forever I will Sing (Bilingual or Spanish)

Psalm 89 Throughout all Time (Forever I Will Sing)

Psalm 91 Be With Me Lord

Psalm 103 Loving and Forgiving

Psalm 116 I Will Walk Before the Lord


Select 1 Song of Farewell: a specific prayer sung during the Final Commendation if there is a casket or urn present. If there is not, you may choose one of these for Recessional Song.

May the Angels Be Your Guide (MacAller/McGrath)

In Paradisum (Latin or English Chant)

O Loving God (set to Londonderry Air)


Select 4 Hymns: Entrance, Preparation of Gifts, Communion, and Recessional.

The Director of Music may place your choices in the best position during the Mass.

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (U)

At the Name of Jesus (Walker) (U)

Amazing Grace

Ave Maria (Norbet-Latin/English)

Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod- Latin solo)

Ave Maria (Schubert- Latin solo)

Baptized in Water (U)

Be Not Afraid/No Temas Mas (English, Bilingual, or Spanish)

Behold the Lamb

Beyond the Moon and Stars (Schutte)

Blessed and Beloved/Bienaventurados (Beatitudes) (English, Bilingual, or Spanish)

Bread of Angels

Bread of Life

Christ Be Our Light/Se Nuestra Luz (English, Bilingual, or Spanish)

City of God (U)

Danos tu Paz/Give Us Your Peace (English, Bilingual, or Spanish)

Entre Tus Manos (Spanish)

Eternal Father, Strong to Save (Military Hymn)

Eye Has Not Seen

Fly Like a Bird (based on Ps 139)

For All the Saints (U)

Hail Mary, Gentle Woman

Here I Am, Lord

Hold on to Love

How Beautiful (SOLO)

Holy is His Name

How Can I Keep from Singing (U)

How Great Thou Art (U)

How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place

I Am the Bread of Life    (English or Bilingual solo)

I Know that My Redeemer Lives (Duke Street) (U)

I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Soper) (U)

Jesu, Joy of Our Desiring (Bach)

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Lead Me Lord (U) (Beatitudes)

Let There Be Peace on Earth (U)

Lord, You Have Come/Pescador De Hombres SOLO (English, Bilingual, or Spanish)

On Eagle’s Wings

One Love Released

Open My Eyes/Abre Mis Ojos (English, Bilingual, or Spanish)

Pan de Vida (English, Bilingual, or Spanish)

Panis Angelicus (SOLO)

Para Amar Como Tu (Bilingual, or Spanish)


Peace I Leave With You

Pie Jesu (SOLO)

Prayer of St. Francis/Oracion de San Francisco (U) (English, Bilingual, or Spanish)

Precious Lord, Take My Hand

Sacred Silence

Salve, Regina (Latin Chant)

Servant Song

Sing With All the Saints in Glory (U) (ODE TO JOY)

Softly & Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling

The King of Love My Shepherd Is

To Live With Him Forever

Ubi Caritas (Latin/English, Bilingual, or Latin/Spanish)

We Will Rise Again

We Walk By Faith

What Wondrous Love is This

Where My Father Lives

“There Is an Appointed Time for Everything, and A Time for Every Affair Under the Heavens. a Time to Be Born, and A Time to Die; a Time to Weep, and A Time to Laugh; a Time to Mourn, and A Time to Dance; a Time to Love…” Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Please Contact Laura Askins in The Parish Office at (727) 447-3494