We find ourselves in awe before men and women of profound faith and generosity, who accomplish such feats, and who touch the lives of a grateful community.  This is the legacy of the community that founded St. Cecelia Catholic Church one hundred years ago. I also enjoy the company and counsel of such individuals on a daily basis, as I look to the staff members who oversee the many ministries and duties, which keep our parish in operation. From the upkeep of our facilities, to the education of our children and initiates, to the scheduling of our four resident priests, we owe so much of the success that we enjoy to the people working in public ministry, and behind the scenes. We treasure our staff members.
If we hope to leave this legacy to future generations, then we must endeavor to retain and care for these talented individuals in our midst. Unfortunately, the national economy is still at the heart of our 2024 financial planning. Not one of the various expenses, related to the cost of our ministries, has been unaffected. From the cost of provisions for our resident priests, worship aides, outreach programs, and certainly staff wages, all of these are on the rise due to the corresponding increase in costs. We are largely supported by offertory giving and genuinely thankful to parishioners like you, who give of their time, talent and treasure in the spirit of stewardship. I earnestly pray that families struggling to overcome these rising costs be blessed with opportunity, and find the peace-of-mind that comes from our shared Christian Faith. Meanwhile, I hope that we can continue to count upon your support. Offertory giving over these past three years has been mostly stagnant, and unable to keep pace with the rising cost of ministry

For this reason, I announce the launch of The Centennial Initiative. As we set our sights upon the anticipated 100-year anniversary of St. Cecelia Catholic Church, let us consider our calling to stewardship and our role in preserving our ministries through this period of economic uncertainty. Your contribution of $45 per month or more ($10 per week, or greater) to the Centennial Initiative helps us in closing the gap between our annual budgeted income and operating expenses. We do not ask families to make a contribution that is not within their means, but please know that your support would greatly assist us to overcome the continuing effects of inflation. We welcome you to generously contribute to our efforts. Please fill out a pledge card and use the provided CENTENNIAL INITIATIVE envelopes to show your support. You can also conveniently contribute using Online Giving  …And let us continue to pray for one another.